Course Syllabus

Instructor: Mrs. McCutchan                                                     UMA Phone: (801) 689-3013

Email:                           Canvas:                


Since the earliest civilizations, and perhaps even the earliest humans, people have looked into the night sky and tried to make sense of the world and whatever lies beyond. In this class, we will explore the long history of astronomical study, from early mythologies surrounding constellations, to modern investigations of galaxies and the universe. We will discuss our place in the Solar System, the lives of stars, and the many galaxies in the universe. 


Class Rules: STAR                  

      Sit smart.

      Track the speaker.

      Ask and answer questions.

      Respect all.


Materials Needed

Each cadet must bring the following items to class everyday

  1. 3 Ring binder with loose leaf paper and dividers*
  2. Pencil and eraser, pen with blue/black ink
  3. Highlighter


*Each Cadet will be required to keep all class papers in a dedicated science binder (or Google Drive folder). This binder will be used to monitor progress, track grades, study, and reflect on learning. Notebooks will be checked for completion and organization each quarter, and will count toward participation.


Academic Grade

All coursework will be weighted as follows:

30% Assessments: Includes all tests and quizzes

20% Term Project: One project per term, to be discussed separately

25% Labs: Includes lab participation, lab sheets, and lab reports

20% Assignments: Includes in-class work and homework

5% Participation: Cadets must be awake, engaged, and participating in class.


Absences and Late work:

All class materials will be available on Canvas. Work missed due to officially excused absences are the cadet’s responsibility and may be made up within one week of the cadet returning to school. Work missed during unexcused absences may/may not be available for make-up. Any assignment more than one week late will receive a 25% penalty, more than two weeks late will receive a 50% penalty, and more than 3 weeks late will receive 0 credit, but must be completed to be eligible for extra credit. Exceptions will only be granted before the due date arrives. 


Grading Scale:

A    93-100% A- 90-92% B+ 87-89%

B     83-86% B- 80-82% C+ 77-79%

C     73-76% C-    70-72% D+   67-69%

D     63-66% D-    60-62% F      00-59%


Lab Policy

Cadets must return a signed Lab Safety Agreement before participating in any lab. Lab Safety procedures will be followed at all times. Lab safety violations will result in an automatic zero on the lab. In the case of severe violations, cadets may be banned from any/all future labs, and will be assigned research papers instead. Cadets may also be subject to school disciplinary action.



UMA does not accept the practice of cheating. All instances of cheating will be reported to the administration. Cadets caught cheating will receive no credit for the work and face administrative disciplinary action. Plagiarism is a form of cheating. Cadets plagiarizing another’s work and turning it into a teacher as their own will receive no credit for the work and face administrative disciplinary action. Cadets allowing others to copy their work are also guilty of plagiarism.  



The use of Canvas will be an integral part of this course. In addition to work in class, all material will be posted on Canvas for cadets who are absent or need to access coursework from home. If this is a problem for any reason, the instructor must be informed immediately so that accommodations can be made.


Cell Phones

As per UMA policy, all cell phones must be put away out of sight during class. If a cadet has a phone out (being used or not) during class, the phone will be confiscated and the cadet will receive an infraction. Repeated offenses will result in the phone being sent to the office, where parents may be required to pick it up. If parents need to contact a cadet during class, they should call the office.

Extra Credit

Extra credit may be given at the instructor’s discretion, upon request by a cadet. Cadets with missing assignments will not be eligible for extra credit. 


Course Summary:

Date Details Due